This post is about 15 Positive quotes that will change your outlook on life!
We are living in such a hectic and sad world right now due to the coronavirus and political climate. Although there is a lot of sadness in the world, there is also a lot of positivity.
I have heard so many stories of random acts of kindness that people have participated in to help those in need.
These stories always bring a smile to my face because it just proves that even in times of uncertainty, positivity and kindness always prevail.
I wanted to write a blog post on some of my favorite quotes to make your day a little brighter!
I love reading quotes because they always make me think about things going on in my life in a more positive way.
These quotes are very inspiring and I hope you find something meaningful in them as well!
Please pin these images to Pinterest 🙂
Quote #1

I think it is fitting for this quote to be my first of 15 Positivity Quotes because my blog is all about positivity.
I truly believe that in the end positivity always wins. Even in the worst situations (like our world is in now), positivity can help to make the world a little brighter.
Quote #2

I like this quote by Maya Angelou because it is about perseverance.
You can get through anything that you’re going through because you are strong and like the quote says, you will rise!
Quote #3

This is one of my all-time favorite quotes because I love the message and it was written by one of my favorite authors, Maya Angelou. I truly believe exactly what this quote says.
When I think about the people who have a large impact on my life it is always how they make me feel that I remember the most.
When I spend time with my friends and family I try to make them feel appreciated, happy, and valued. It does not matter what I say or do; it only matters how I make them feel!
This quote also applies to our world today with so many people struggling due to the virus.
It is important to do what you can to help others during this time. Let them know that you are there for them. They won’t forget how you made them feel!
Quote #4

This is such an inspiring quote because it reminds us all to be the light in someone’s darkness.
A simple smile, phone call, or wave can go a long way. You never know what others are going through and your act of kindness has the ability to turn someone’s day completely around!
Quote #5

I like this quote because it reminds me that I don’t ALWAYS need a plan. I love planning, lists, and being in control of what’s happening.
Unfortunately, you can’t be in control all the time and sometimes just need to breathe, trust, and let go. You never know, something amazing could happen!
Quote #6

This quote is so true and reminds me of Maya Angelou’s quote about how people will always remember how you make them feel.
Keller emphasizes the importance of feeling something beautiful like a simple act of kindness.
Quote #7

I like this quote because it reminds how important having a positive attitude is.
Positivity is a chain reaction that can lead you to years of happiness if you let it.
Quote #8

Try your hardest to find the good in everyday situations and above all practice kindness. You will find positivity through these actions.
Quote #9

This quote warns us that negative thoughts will only hold us back. We need to start thinking with more positivity and soon will see positive results.
Quote #10

Everything you do from the moment you wake up in the morning to the moment you go to sleep has the potential to impact others.
This quote reminds us of this and that everything we do does make a difference!
Try to remember this quote during this stressful time in our world. Your actions do make a difference and have the potential to help others in need.
Quote #11

Helen Keller reminds us that when we are facing the light (positivity and kindness) we can’t see our shadow (the darkness in the world).
Try your hardest to always be facing the sunshine!
Quote #12

Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote this quote which emphasizes that even in the worst of times there is still hope. With so much illness in our world today it can be so easy to become hopeless.
However, this quote tells us that there is always hope even in the darkness. I see the hope of our world today in all the kind people who are stepping up to help those in need during this awful time.
Quote #13

This quote reminds us to be the light in the world. Be positive and practice kindness.
Quote #14

I love this quote because it reminds us to just keep looking up. Things will always get better!
Quote #15

I love this quote and try my best to find something positive in each day. It does not have to be anything big.
Maybe it is a nice walk I went on or an awesome new song that I love. It can be anything that makes you feel positive and happy.
I hope you enjoyed this post on 15 positivity quotes. I had a lot of fun writing about these quotes because they inspire me every day to live a more positive life and I hope they will inspire you too!
Remember to keep spreading positivity and kindness. The world needs it more now than ever before.
If you liked this post, check out my post on 10 Ways to be More Positive
Want to remember this? Save this post (15 Positivity Quotes: My Favorite Quotes!) to your favorite Pinterest board.

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