This post is about the ultimate college packing list for girls and everything you should pack for college!
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Tired of spending time and energy trying to figure out what items you should actually pack for college? I know the feeling and wrote this post to help make college packing a lot easier for you!
College packing should be fun and not stressful. Two years ago when I was getting ready for college, packing stressed me out way too much and I knew I had to do something to help others.
I created this post and a free college packing list to completely change your college packing experience. This post is full of the best college packing secrets that you’ll love!
Before you start college shopping make sure to sign up for a free month of Amazon Prime so that you don’t have to pay for shipping. My prime membership saves me money every single month. If you already have your college email, sign up for 6 months of FREE Amazon Prime (AKA the best deal ever!)
Go print out this free list and then come back to the post to find the best deals and the things you should actually pack. The list and the post are in the same order so it’s super easy to follow along!! 🙂

This post is all about the ultimate college packing list for girls and will make college packing so much easier.
Body Towels:
I recommend bringing 2-3 towels and 1 towel wrap. If you decide to bring more towel wraps, I would pack fewer towels.
Towel wraps are nice to have in college, especially if you’re using community bathrooms! They make it so much easier to brush your teeth and get ready for bed without worrying that your towel is going to fall off.
Beach Towles:
It’s really easy to forget to also pack beach towels but if you’re going to a school near the beach or where you’ll be swimming, bring some beach towels!
Hair Wrap:
I didn’t use hair wraps in college but they can be super helpful! If you like using them, make sure to pack a couple.
Hand Towels:
If you have your own bathroom or share one with roommates, bring some hand towels so that you don’t have to keep buying paper towels. Pick a specific color so that you always know which ones are yours.
Wash Clothes:
Wash clothes are just always handy to have! You can use them to wash your face, take off makeup or even put them on your forehead if you’re hot or have a headache at night.
There is nothing better than putting on a cozy robe after a long day. If you like wearing robes, pack one!
Shower Caddy:
A shower caddy is one of the most useful college bathroom supplies ever! It will help you keep all of your shower supplies so much more organized!
I recommend buying one with straps in case you want to hang it on a hook.
Shower Shoes:
College bathrooms and showers are gross! You’ll definitely want to bring some cheap shower shoes to use. I just use some cheap flip-flops from Old Navy and they are perfect!
A long-lasting and fresh-smelling deodorant that you can wear all day is the best. I love Secret deodorant and think it always smells so good. Also, make sure to keep an extra deodorant in your backpack in case you forget to put it on in the morning.
(Related Post: Ultimate List of School Supplies Your College Backpack Needs To Have)
Every college student needs to pack a quality toothbrush for college! Trust me, with all of the late-night snacking and junk food, you’re going to want a toothbrush that really does the trick. I got this Philips toothbrush for Christmas and it’s SO good! My roommate uses the same one and we both love it.
It’s super powerful and comes in different colors so you can get one that matches your style. It also comes with a cover so you don’t have to worry about any germs getting on your toothbrush.
Tooth Paste:
Colgate Optic White is my favorite toothpaste! It has a really good flavor and even whitens your teeth! Try to get a value pack so that you can save some money.
Flossing is super important but I would be lying if I said I did it every night, haha. I definitely recommend bringing floss packers to college because they make flossing a lot easier and quicker! I am definitely more likely to floss with these than regular floss.
If you use mouthwash regularly or think you would find it useful to have in your dorm, pack some.
Retainer & Case:
Make sure to pack your retainers and a case if you have them. If you need a new case, Amazon has a lot of cute colors!
Retainer Cleaner:
Retainers get super gross after a while which is why it’s really important to clean them every so often. I use denture cleaner to clean mine and it works great!
Shampoo & Conditioner:
I love Dove shampoo, conditioner, body wash, etc! It always smells so good and leaves my hair and skin feeling silky smooth!
Dry Shampoo:
Dry shampoo is a necessity in college because sometimes you’re super busy and your hair may not look as fresh as you would like.
I used to use Batiste dry shampoo but it never really worked super well for me. My favorite blogger, recommended the dry shampoo above. She uses it all the time and loves it!
I bought it last year during a Black Friday Sale at Ulta (pro tip) and it definitely lives up to the hype! Sometimes my hair is more greasy than I would like and this stuff makes it look super clean! 🙂
Body Wash:
This body wash is the best! It makes my skin feel so soft and it’s really good for dry skin. It also smells very clean and refreshing!
Face Wash:
Make sure to bring your favorite face wash to college! One of my favorites is Cetaphil daily facial cleanser because it is dermatologist recommended and really good for dry skin.
I also love it because it allows me to take off my everyday makeup without having to use makeup remover which just makes things even easier!
Moisturizing your skin is so important, especially in college! My skin is DRY and this is one of my favorite face moisturizers. It softens, smooths and leaves my skin glowing!
Make sure to pack some razors for college as well.
Shaving Cream:
Shaving cream is also important to pack! Try to pack one that you like and works well on your skin.
Tampons & Pads:
I definitely recommend bringing extra pads and tampons to college so that you don’t have to worry about buying them during the semester. In my opinion, U by Kotex is by far the best pad brand because the wings actually stick!
Storage/Organization Idea: My college roommate stored hers in such a smart way! She bought a box of pads, tampons, and liners and filled a memory/photo box up with them. It took up a lot less room and was very organized.
Make sure to keep some in your backpack as well.
Hair Brush/Comb:
The Wet Brush is a life changer! It’s cheap and works so well, especially when your hair is wet or tangled. They also come in a lot of cute colors.
If you haven’t tried this brush yet, get it, you will love it!
Hair Appliances:
Hair dryer, straightener, curling iron. Make sure to pack all of your favorites! And if you’re looking for a new hair straightener, I linked my all-time favorite one above. I’ve been using it since middle school and it still works great!
I didn’t use a lot of hairspray in college but it is still a good product to have around. I recommend buying a smaller bottle so that it doesn’t take up too much space.
If you like using loofahs, definitely pack some.
Cotton Balls:
One of the best ways to take off nail polish!!
Nail Polish, Remover, Clipper, File:
Bring your favorite nail colors, some remover, a clipper and file!
Hair Ties & Accessories:
Think scrunchies, hair ties, barrettes, and any other hair accessories you know you’ll wear.
Hand Soap:
I definitely recommend bringing a couple bottles of hand soup, because it goes quickly, especially if you’re sharing a bathroom with roommates.
Air Freshener:
Air freshener is super handy to have in your dorm. Sometimes dorm rooms smell funky so it’s good to have some in case.
One of my pet peeves is when my lips are chapped and I don’t have any chapstick on me. It’s just such an uncomfortable feeling which is why I try to keep extra chapstick everywhere (my backpack, desk, jacket, etc.)
If you’re looking for a great chapstick, one of my favorites is Glossier’s balm dotcom in Rose! It’s very hydrating and a super natural tint.
A Thousand wishes perfume from Bath and Body works is my go-to, favorite scent! It seriously smells so good!
Cotton Swabs:
There isn’t much to say about this one but they are just helpful to have, haha.
Definitely keep tissues in your dorm and backpack. You never know when you’ll need them and they are so handy to have.
Tweezers are also good to have in case you need them.
Glasses & Case:
Don’t forget to pack your glasses and their case for college if you have them. I wear contacts and glasses and it’s so nice being able to switch between the two!
Contacts & Case:
Same goes for this one, make sure to pack your contacts and case if you have them.
Contact Solution:
If you wear contacts, you’ll also want to pack your favorite solution. I’ve always used Biotrue solution and it works great!
Shower Curtain:
If you’re going to have your own shower or share one with suitemates, bring a cute shower curtain! It will make your dorm feel a lot homier. Isn’t this one so cute!?
Bath Mat:
A bath mat is also great to have if you have you’re own shower.
Sunscreen & Aloe:
I feel like no matter where you go (unless it’s super up north) it’s always smart to have sunscreen and aloe close by. Sunburns are so painful and just not worth it.
Bug Spray:
I also recommend bringing mosquito repellent or bug spray of some sort just in case you need it.
I brought way too much makeup to college freshman year. Try your hardest to only bring your absolute favorite makeup products that you know you will use a lot!
Most days, all I wear is mascara and my Glossier tinted balm dotcom. Occasionally, I will throw on a tinted moisturizer, blush, and some highlighter. I also recommend bringing your favorite brushes and a makeup sponge! I linked my favorite tinted moisturizer above, it’s really good and lasts all day!
Makeup Bag:
Every girl needs a cute makeup bag, and they are even more helpful in college! I love the one above because it’s customizable, elegant and just the perfect place for your everyday makeup.
Makeup Mirror:
It’s helpful to have an extra mirror in case you want to do your makeup at your desk or somewhere in your dorm. You won’t have to always go to the bathroom and it’s just more convenient.
Makeup Sponge:
If you like using makeup sponges, make sure to pack some. They will make putting on your makeup easier and faster!
Makeup Brushes:
If you like makeup brushes, make sure to pack some of your favorites!
Makeup Remover:
I find that my facial cleanser actually takes off my makeup really well, but if you wear more makeup, definitely bring some remover!!
**=requires extra space in your room (I did not have these products freshman year and my room was perfectly fine!)
Cell phone:
I know this is super obvious but I wanted to include it since it’s so important!
Long Phone Charger:
Make sure to pack a long phone charger (10 feet or more) for college. Usually, the outlets in dorm rooms are not conveniently located.
A long charger will allow you to use your phone while it is charging!
Laptop & Charger:
A laptop is one of the most important pieces of technology that you will need in college! I do so much work on my laptop in college.
If you’re looking for a perfect college laptop, I recommend this ASUS laptop. It is the one that I used during my freshman year of college and still use today. I have the Core m3 version which works great!
Long Surge Protector:
Extension cords aren’t allowed in most dorm rooms because they are fire hazards. An easy replacement is a long surge protector or power strip. I use this Belkin power strip and it works great!
Portable Charger:
A portable charger like this one is super helpful on really busy days! I definitely recommend bringing a portable charger if you struggle with phone battery life like me, haha.
Earbuds are super helpful in college, especially if you’re living with roommates.
If you’re living with roommates you won’t want to disturb them at night. Earbuds will allow you to listen to music or be on your phone without bothering others.
I have these air-pods and they are the best!
Calculator & Charger:
If you have a graphing calculator don’t forget to bring it to college! If you need to buy one make sure to check with your college to see which version they recommend.
Portable Speaker:
If you want to play music in your dorm room bring a speaker. I have this OontZ speaker and it’s awesome! The sound is super clear and it’s a pretty inexpensive speaker.
I brought a lot of batteries to college and didn’t really need them. Only bring a couple extra for any products you have that use batteries. If you are using string lights make sure to check what kind of batteries they need.
USB Drive:
I actually didn’t use a USB Drive in college because I saved everything on google docs. It is probably much more secure to use a USB Drive. Definitely bring one if you think you will use it.
On my Ultimate College Packing List **=requires extra space in dorm room. A television definitely requires extra room. I lived in a quad my freshman year and there was no room for a TV.
If you don’t have enough room for a TV, I promise it is not the end of the world. If you do have enough room the TV above is perfect for dorm rooms!
**Amazon Fire TV Cube:
Okay, I know this is kinda random but my family has an Amazon Fire TV Cube and I’m obsessed. It makes it so much easier to watch all of my favorite programs and Alexa is the best!
I really want to buy one of these for my dorm room this fall since it’s much bigger than my freshman year dorm and we will actually have a TV.
If you don’t have one of these yet, I promise it’s worth it!
Having a printer in your dorm room also requires extra space. Personally, I did not find it necessary to have a printer in my room. There was a printer in my building and it didn’t cost very much money to print.
However, I know some students love having a printer in their room so I wanted to include it on this list. Maybe it’s something that you and your roommates can all chip in for?
**Portable Projector:
Being able to use a projector in your room also requires extra space. My freshman year dorm room had a blank wall in it that would have been perfect for projecting movies on!
My roommates and I always talked about getting a projector for our movie nights but we never bought one. One of my friends brought over hers and it was so much fun to use. It will definitely take your movie nights to the next level!
You don’t need an extra camera since you will have your phone but if you have one that you like taking pictures with you might want to bring it.
I brought my Fujifilm Polaroid camera and it was a lot of fun to take pictures with, plus the pics were cute decor!
One of my best tips when it comes to packing clothes for college is to only pack clothes that you know you will actually get a lot of use out of. Before my freshman year, I thought it would be nice having all of my clothes but it ended up just being super stressful!
It really does make it easier if you only bring the clothes you know you will wear. Most college students live in leggings and sweatshirts anyway. You can still bring cute outfits too but you won’t need a ton.
Face Masks:
If we are still wearing face masks when you’re packing for college, make sure to bring some! It’s good to bring a lot of neutral ones to college so that they go with your outfits.
Bras & Sports Bra:
The amount of bras and sports bras you need will depend on how often you are going to do laundry and work out in college.
I would say 3-4 regular bras is a good amount and to base sports bras off of how often you work out. I also recommend bringing a strapless bra or petals for some shirts and dresses.
This also depends on how often you do laundry but I think 10-15 pairs is a good amount to pack.
Tank Tops & Under Shirts:
The amount of tank tops/undershirts you bring depends on where you are going to school and the climate. I would say 3-5 is a good amount.
T-shirts are great to have because they are easy to throw on under a sweatshirt or to wear to bed.
Just be careful not to pack too many. Freshman year, I brought way too many t-shirts, and they were literally exploding out of my drawers. Bringing like your favorite 5 t-shirts to college should be perfect.
Other Shirts:
This can include long-sleeve and short-sleeve shirts depending on where you’re going to school and the climate.
You can also bring a couple of going out tops. You totally don’t have to go out in college but if you want to it’s nice to have some shirts that you can wear.
Athletic Wear:
Make sure to bring some cute athletic wear to college so that you can exercise in comfort.
I would say 3 pairs of shorts, 3 pairs of leggings, and 4 athletic tops are good! Try to base it on your school’s climate and how often you exercise.
I love sweatshirts and literally live in them at college.
If you’re like me and like a lot of sweatshirts (and know you will get a lot of use out of them) I would bring your favorite 4-5. If you don’t think you will wear sweatshirts a lot then save space and bring 1-2.
The number of sweaters that you bring depends on where you go to school and how likely you are to wear a sweater rather than a sweatshirt. I go to school in RI and it’s super windy so I did wear a lot of sweaters.
If you go to a school where it is chilly, 5-6 sweaters are a perfect amount. If you go to school somewhere warmer, you probably won’t need a lot of sweaters.
I love cardigans and wore them a lot to work during my freshman year.
They help to dress up your outfit without trying very hard which I love! If you think you will wear a lot of cardigans, I would bring 3-4. If you don’t think you will only bring 1 or 2.
Definitely bring some of your favorite jeans to college! You can dress them up with a cute top or down with your favorite sweatshirt. My favorite jeans are any styles from American Eagle that have stretch!
Sweatpants are my favorite! I wear them around my dorm at night and sleep in them. If you wear sweatpants a lot, I recommend bringing 2-3 pairs!
Leggings & Tights:
Just like sweatshirts, I also live in leggings at college! Make sure to bring a lot of leggings if you like them as much as I do. I recommend bringing 3-5 pairs.
My favorite leggings are aerie chill high-wasted leggings by American Eagle and Fabletics! I wear a size medium in Aerie and a size small in Fabletics. I would size down in these specific leggings from Arie because even though they are really comfy, they stretch and will feel like they are falling down if you don’t.
My friend’s favorite leggings are Lulu Lemon! They always say that even though they are expensive they are really good quality and last for a long time!
Shorts & Skirts:
I brought 1 jean skirt and 3 pairs of shorts to college which was fine because I could only wear them for a couple of weeks before it got cold.
If you are going somewhere warm definitely bring more pairs!
Jean Jacket:
A jean jacket is so easy to throw on and makes practically any outfit cute so it’s definitely a staple you can wear a lot.
Rain Jacket:
A rain jacket was probably the smartest clothing item I brought to college.
It rained a lot this year in Rhode Island and my rain jacket came in super handy! I definitely recommend bringing a rain jacket even if you don’t think you’ll need it.
Lightweight jacket:
Sometimes it isn’t cold enough to break out a winter jacket, but it’s too cold only to wear a sweater, which is why a lightweight jacket like this one is nice to have!
Winter Jacket:
If you are going to school somewhere chilly make sure to bring a good winter jacket!
My Eddie Bower winter jacket was a lifesaver on super cold days. It’s cute too! I bought a size large because I wanted it to be a little big and it’s perfect.
I packed way too many dresses for college (like I seriously don’t know where I thought I was going, lol) I learned my lesson though.
It’s a good idea to bring one fancy dress in case your school throws a dance or there is a special occasion. Convocation, induction ceremonies, sorority events, etc come up a lot quicker than you think and it’s better to just have 1-2 cute dresses you can throw on.
The dress above is a great example of a simple staple dress that you can dress up or down depending on the occasion. Plus, it’s such a beautiful dress, I want it!!
The number of swimsuits you need will vary based on where you’re going to school. My college is by the beach but by the time school starts the water is pretty cold! Two bathing suits was enough for me.
If you are going to school somewhere warmer and will be swimming more often, definitely bring more bathing suits!
If you are planning to join a swim club or swim team, you will need a couple of one-piece bathing suits as well!
I wear t-shirts and sweatpants for pajamas but if you have pajamas that you wear, I would bring your favorite 2 sets.
10-15 pairs of regular socks, a couple of pairs of boot socks, and 3-5 pairs of fuzzy socks should be a good amount.
The absolute BEST fuzzy socks are Earth Therapeutics Aloe socks. They are so soft and cozy!
I love shoes but they can take up a lot of room. Try your hardest to only pack your favorites and the most practical ones!
One pair of athletic sneakers and 2-3 pairs of other sneakers (converse, air force ones, vans, etc.) is a perfect amount! I got the most use out of my converse sneakers.
Boots (waterproof):
It depends on where you’re going to school but make sure to have a pair of waterproof boots. I didn’t have a pair during the first couple of months of school and it rained a lot. I got L.L Bean boots for christmas and they are awesome but expensive.
If you want a cheaper pair of waterproof boots, these Sperry boots will do the trick.
I think having a good pair of slippers is essential in college! I wore my L.L. Bean Moccasins every night.
They are perfect for walking around your dorm building and just super convenient to slip on. I know that UGG slippers are also really nice.
Flats & Sandals:
I only brought one pair of sandals which was fine for me. If you think you will wear flats/sandals more often feel free to pack a couple of pairs.
I brought three pairs of heels to college and only wore one white pair once the entire year. You only should need 1-2 pairs unless there is a reason you need more.
Flip Flops & Shower Shoes:
I brought one pair of flip flops to college which was perfect for me. If you are going to school somewhere warmer and will get more use out of flip flops pack a couple of pairs!
You can also use flip flops as shower shoes, which is what I did (and I didn’t slip using them). I used Old Navy’s cheap flip flops for this.
You may want to bring a couple of baseball caps to college in case it’s sunny.
I also love winter hats and because of that, I brought way too many to college. This year I forced myself to only pack my favorite 3 hats. I think 1-3 hats is perfect!
Bring a pair of sunglasses to school, especially if you are going somewhere with warm weather.
Try your hardest to only bring your favorite jewelry items. Think about which ones you will get the most use out of. You can bring some fancy jewelry too but don’t need to bring a lot!
The jewelry that I wear the most in college are my pearl earrings, bangles, and simple necklaces. I got these cute gold earrings for Christmas and I know that I’ll wear them a lot in college. I love jewelry that’s dainty and that I can wear with anything.
If you like to accessorize with cute belts, definitely pack some of your favorites!
If you like to wear watches, they can be a super cute accessory.
I brought one plaid scarf to college like this one that was great for the winter. I don’t wear scarves a lot so one was perfect for me!
If you’re going somewhere that gets chilly, make sure to bring some gloves like these. I promise you’ll be so happy that you have them!
A wristlet wallet is so smart to have because you can wear it on your wrist and won’t have to worry about losing it.
Purse/Small Bag:
I have a backpack purse like this one that I got from Target and love it! I used it whenever I went on day trips with my friends downtown or to NYC.
It’s super helpful to have a microwave in your dorm room! Make sure to coordinate buying dorm appliances like this with your roommate so that you don’t have two of everything.
Also, check your school’s rules about what type of microwave you’re allowed to have.
Mini Fridge:
I loved having a mini-fridge in my room! It’s a great way to have cold bottles of water and store food you buy from the grocery store in case you don’t always want to eat in the dining hall.
Paper Plates:
Having paper plates in your room is very helpful, especially when you order takeout with friends!
It’s super helpful to have silverware in your room in case you order take-out, make ramen, or any other food. It’s also good to have extra silverware if your friends come over to eat with you.
Microwavable Dishes:
It is super helpful to have your own set of microwavable dishes! Target has a really cute line of them that are so cheap and good quality. My roommates and I used these bowls in our dorm last year and they are great!
Napkins always come in handy!
Paper Towels:
I try my best to use hand towels when I can but something about having a couple rolls of paper towels is just always useful.
Water Bottle:
Having a reusable water bottle that you can take with you to classes and refill during the day is so helpful in college! My favorite water bottles are my Hydro-flask and Super Sparrow bottles. They are good quality, keep my drink cold for hours and come in all different cute colors.
Mini Keurig:
If you like making coffee or tea in the morning, don’t leave home without a mini Keurig! We had this Keurig in my room and used it to make tea. It works really well and is definitely worth it!
Also, think about how cute it would look in your room!
Water Filter (Brita):
Having a Brita in your room is a super easy and convenient way to have access to filtered water. My roommates and I loved our Brita freshman year! It is nice knowing that the water you’re drinking is clean.
Ziplock Bags:
Ziplock bags are helpful if you have leftovers or want to pack something to eat later on while you’re out.
Bring 1-2 mugs so that you can easily drink hot chocolate, coffee, and even eat soup.
Snacks, snacks, snacks! They are so important in college, haha! Make sure to pack all of your favorites, you won’t be sorry.
Chip Bag Clips:
These clips are super helpful and look cute!
School Supplies:
It’s essential to bring a super spacious and quality backpack to college! Chances are you will be using it a lot, so make sure that it’s comfortable and has a lot of room!
Having a good planner is super important in college! I love planners and could literally shop for the perfect one for hours.
My favorite planner is the mini Day Designer. It will keep you very organized and is cute too!
Text Book Tip: Wait to buy your textbooks until after your classes meet for the first time. Last year I was so worried that if I didn’t but my books before my classes started I would be the only student without them. I promise a lot of students wait to buy their textbooks, and it’s completely acceptable.
It’s a good idea to wait because sometimes professors change the material needed for their classes. It is the worst feeling (and a big waste of money) to buy a book and then find out that you don’t actually need it.
I also recommend renting your textbooks from Chegg or Amazon. I have used both sites to rent books and they have saved me so much money!!
Pens & #2 Pencils:
I love colored pens and I’m always looking for the best ones! These are my favorite so far because they come in a lot of colors, have a fine point, and best of all they don’t bleed through paper so I can use them in my planner without any issues.
Pencil Case:
A spacious pencil case is the best to bring because it will provide you with a lot more room for your supplies.
I love using highlighters, especially for my notes! Zebra double-ended highlighters are one of my favorite brands! One side is like a marker-pen and the other side is a highlighter. They are great for doodling and writing in your planner!
Computer Paper:
I like having a little computer paper in case I need some. You don’t need a lot of computer paper, especially if you aren’t bringing a printer; however, sometimes it comes in handy!
Bring some white-out in case you need to erase a mistake.
I didn’t use binders in college, but if you think you will definitely bring them.
Binder Dividers:
Make sure to bring some binder dividers for your binders.
Binder Clips:
Binder clips are super handy, especially to hold flash cards together!
Personally, I like using a folder and notebook for every class. It helps me stay more organized.
Spiral-bound notebooks work the best for me! I try to keep the color of my folder and notebook the same for each particular class.
Stapler & Staples:
It is very handy to have a stapler and staples in your dorm room! This clear-gold stapler from Amazon is adorable and would look so cute on your desk!
Tape & Dispenser:
For some reason, I had the hardest time keeping track of my tape in college! I definitely recommend keeping it in a cute dispenser on your desk so that it’s more accessible.
This dispenser is so cute and matches the stapler above!
3 Hole Punch:
Personally, I didn’t use a 3 hole punch or regular hole punch in college because I don’t use binders. However, bring one if you think you’ll use it!
Make sure to bring some quality scissors to college.
Pencil Sharpener:
If you’re bringing regular pencils to college, don’t forget to pack a small pencil sharpener!
Paper Clips:
I love these gold paper clips, they are just so cute!
Sticky Notes:
Bring quality sticky notes to college! Cheap sticky notes don’t stick and are super annoying. Post-it is the best sticky note brand!
Index Cards:
Index cards are super important to bring to college, especially if you like to make flashcards to study.
First Aid & Medicine:
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor or healthcare professional. All over-the-counter medicines recommended below should only be taken as prescribed on the back of the bottle based on your age and condition. Thank you!
I promise Band-Aid brand bandages are the best quality and actually stick! Most importantly, they are affordable as well!
Neosporin is my favorite antibiotic ointment. It is good to have in college in case you get a cut or injury.
Hydrocortisone is handy to have in case you get a bug bite.
Hydrogen Peroxide:
I actually didn’t bring hydrogen peroxide to college but I was so happy that my roommate did. It is good to put on cuts to prevent infections!
It’s always good to have some pain medicine on hand in case you get cramps or a headache.
Tylenol is another pain medicine I like to have with me in case I’m not feeling well.
Allergy Medicine:
I have terrible seasonal allergies and this has been working really well for me for the last month. If you have an allergy medicine that works for you, pack it.
Cold Medicine:
NyQuil and DayQuil always work the best for me when I have a cold. It’s smart to bring some common cold medicines in case you ever need them.
Cough Drops:
Make sure to bring some cough drops to college too.
Vitamin C Drops:
College is a pretty germy place and you want to do everything you can to protect yourself from getting sick. Taking extra Vitamin C is a great way to build up your immune system!
Emergen-C is a great way to get extra vitamin C in a drink rather than a drop. Vitamin C drops are my favorite but both are great and have the same benefits!
I actually didn’t bring tums to college but if you’re prone to acid reflex, definitely consider bringing them.
Because I don’t take vitamins as much as I should, I don’t have a favorite to recommend. However, you should try to take vitamins in college because they are good for you and will keep you healthy!
Bedroom & Decor
*=buy a size twin XL to fit most dorm room beds
**=requires extra space in your room (I did not have these products freshman year and my room was perfectly fine!)
***=fire hazard, only use when you’re in the room
*Mattress Topper:
Mattress toppers are SO important because college mattresses are the worst! They are hard, not comfy, and pretty much guaranteed to make your back hurt. A mattress topper will be your best friend in college and will make your bed extremely cozy!
I have a 4-inch mattress topper super similar to the one above and it’s perfect! Seriously, you’ll get the best, hotel-like sleep of your life with a good mattress topper (and you’ll never wanna go back)!!
I recommend getting 4″ or more and make sure that you get a twin XL size to fit the standard dorm bed size.
Related Post: The Top 4 Best Amazon Mattress Toppers You Will Love!
*Mattress Protector:
A mattress protector is good to have because it will give you a little extra protection from your dorm room mattress. Make sure to buy the size Twin-XL.
If your comforter set doesn’t come with new sheets, it’s always nice to bring a new pair of cozy sheets to college! It’s best to pack two sets of sheets so that you can rotate them and don’t have to worry about washing them the same day that you take them off your bed.
Picking out your dorm room comforter is so much fun because it kind of acts as a base for the rest of your decor! Personally, I like having a white or light-colored comforter so that I can add other accent colors in with a fuzzy blanket and other decorations.
Freshman year, I used this white comforter from Amazon. It’s cute, soft, and inexpensive for the quality. Sophomore year, was nice enough to gift me one of their light pink comforter sets. It is such a nice comforter that I’m definitely going to use for the rest of college.
I also found another cute white comforter set on Target that I linked above. Target really does have everything, especially when it comes to bedding so it’s another great place to look!
Bringing 1-2 pillows is perfect for college.
Pillow Cases:
If your sheet set doesn’t come with pillowcases make sure to bring a few to college.
Decorative pillows:
I think decorative pillows are so cute just be careful to not bring too many. 1-2 should be the perfect amount!
Fuzzy Blanket:
Fuzzy blankets are the best!! Any soft blanket or throw that you can find is a great way to add a pop of color back into your dorm decoration. My favorite places to shop for the perfect throw are TJ Maxx/Marshalls, Amazon, and Target.
Body Pillow:
I brought a body pillow to college and it made my bed a lot more comfy for movie night and to do work in! Make sure to buy an insert pillow and case that are the same size.
Bed Rest Pillow:
I didn’t have one of these my freshman year of college but both of my roommates had really fuzzy Ugg ones. They make it so much more comfortable to sit on your bed and do work! I used to borrow my roommate’s all of the time since it was so nice!
I got this one in pink for my birthday last year and it’s the best!!
Full-Length Mirror:
It’s so nice to have a full-length mirror in your dorm so that you can see your outfit and how you look before leaving your room. Target has really nice full-length mirrors that are perfect for a dorm and super inexpensive.
Mirror Tip! My freshman dorm room was pretty small considering it was for 4 girls. We were still able to fit 3 body mirrors in our room. We put 1 on the back of our room door and 2 on the front of our closet doors. It worked great and didn’t take up a lot of room at all!
Dorm rooms can get super hot even if they have air conditioning. I definitely recommend bringing a mini fan that you can put near your bed. It will make all the difference and you’ll be so happy you have it!
Bedside Shelf:
This product is genius, especially if you’re planning on raising or lofting your bed. There may not be a place next to your bed to put important items like your phone and water.
This shelf clips on to the side of your bed and acts as a little tray.
Storage Ottoman/Stool:
Under the bed storage is literally the secret to living in a tiny dorm room. One of my favorite under-bed storage items is a storage ottoman like the one above. They hold a lot of items, create extra seating if a friend comes over, and can even be used as a stool to get into a raised bed.
**Curtains & Bed Skirt:
Freshman year, the window in my room came with blinds and my roommates and I didn’t really see the need for curtains. Sophomore year, my roommate brought the cutest curtains and they really did help to make the room feel more put together and homier. If you have the room/find curtains you love, they can’t hurt to hang up!
I’ve never used a bedskirt but they can be a helpful way to hide the stuff under your bed. But if you keep everything under your bed organized you really don’t need them.
I didn’t use a headboard in college but they can look really pretty on dorm beds! If you do use one, make sure it is the right size for your college bed. The standard college dorm room bed is a Twin XL.
Because my dorm was so small we had to put our desks in the middle of the room and had no room for a rug. If your room is bigger though a rug would look super cute!
**Extra Cute Chair:
My freshhman dorm had absolutely no room for any extra chairs so don’t worry if you don’t have enough space! If you do have extra room though it’s always nice to have extra seating for your friends when they come over.
***Oil Diffuser:
Most oil diffusers aren’t allowed in dorm rooms because they are a fire hazard. Just be careful and only use them when you’re in the room.
I love tapestry’s so much, they make rooms look so cute in such an easy and affordable way!
Tapestry Tip: Use large command hooks to hang up your tapestry. Small command hooks aren’t strong enough and your tapestry will fall down. For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to use small command hooks to hang up my tapestry and they fell down so many times!
I used a ton of photos in my dorm room decor freshman and sophomore year! All of my friends know how much I love a good photo wall and I created a massive one behind my bed freshman year. Pictures are a great way to make your new space feel like your own and will remind you of the people you love the most!
Photo Wall Tip: Use Fun-Tak to stick pictures to the wall. I tried using washi tape and it wasn’t sticky enough. Fun-Tak works really well and won’t damage walls.
You can order a lot of prints from Shutterfly for cheap, they always have deals going on.
Follow this post for a step by step guide on how to make a photo wall in your space!
Battery Lights:
One of my FAVORITE parts about moving into a dorm room is decorating! One of the easiest ways to decorate is with string lights. They are really cute and add light to your room which is so helpful because dorm rooms are usually pretty dark. The lights above even have clips for pictures which will make your room feel more homey.
I honestly think this is the lamp I have because it looks exactly the same! The only difference is I got mine from TJ Maxx. I love the shape and its gold coloring. It’s perfect for a desk or a bedside dresser/night stand.
Wall & Desk Decor:
I think wall and desk decorations are so cute! Just make sure that you aren’t bringing too many decorations, especially for your desk because it will end up looking super cluttered!
Fun-Tak: (The Best!)
Trust me, this stuff is magical! Thank goodness my college roommate brought a lot because we used a ton of it freshman year.
I hung up so many photos on my wall with it and they never fell down! Fun-Tak will not damage any walls either so it is perfect for college dorm rooms. The best part is, it’s so cheap!
Command Hooks:
Command hooks are dorm room gold haha! They make it so easy to hang up decorations and won’t damage the walls. It’s best to bring command hooks in all different sizes so that you can easily hang up things with different weights.
Laundry Detergent:
Tide Pods are easy, work great, and are perfect for college students, especially if it’s your first time starting to do laundry by yourself.
Tide is my favorite detergent and always leaves my clothes smelling so good!
Dryer Sheets:
Bounce dryer sheets work really well and will leave your clothes feeling very soft.
Wrinkle Releaser:
I am not a fan of ironing so if there is any way out, I’ll take it!
Trash Can:
A garbage can is great to have near your desk so that you can throw things out easily.
Trash Bags:
I buy these exact trash bags from Amazon for my dorm and they smell amazing! They are the perfect size for a small garbage can and are a great price.
Laundry Bags:
Laundry machines at college aren’t always very gentle on clothes. These mesh laundry bags will protect your clothes and work really well!
This would be a great hamper because it stays open and would look cute in your dorm! You may also be able to find something similar at TJ Maxx or Marshall’s.
All-Purpose Cleaner:
You’re definitely going to want your own all purpose cleaner that you can use to clean your dorm with. Lysol works really well and smells great!
Lysol Wipes/spray:
Lysol wipes or spray is a good way to kill germs in your room! Every week or two (two weeks is honestly probably too long) I would spray this stuff everywhere in my dorm, especially the places my roommate and I would touch a lot.
Light switches, door handles, door code pad, microwave handle and buttons, fridge handle, and anywhere else I could think of. It’s the best!
Hand Sanitizer:
I love having hand sanitizer on my desk so that I can make sure my hands are always clean. It’s also helpful to keep some in your backpack.
Lint Roller:
For some reason my clothes get really linty so a lint roller always comes in handy!
Tide to go is one of my favorite cleaning products! Somehow I am always using it in college and it never fails to get stains out. If you’re going to college, bring this! You’ll be so happy that you did.
Small Vacuum:
My roommate brought a small vacuum for our room and it was really nice to have! This cordless vacuum is the vacuum one of my college friends has and she loves it! She let my roommate and I borrow it and it works so well.
You definitely don’t need multiple vacuums in your room so make sure to coordinate with your roommate.
Broom & Dustpan:
A broom and dustpan is so helpful to have in your dorm! My freshman year roommates and I used ours almost every day!
Dish Detergent:
Dawn dish detergent is my favorite! It smells so good and works very well.
I find it helpful to bring a lot of sponges in a specific color so that you can differentiate yours from your roommates. Sponges can get really dirty and germy quickly so it’s best to use your own and change them often.
Knowing how to organize everything can be super stressful! That’s okay though because I have some awesome tips for you!
Because I lived in a quad my freshman year, I literally had a small corner of the room to myself. After a lot of trial and error, I learned how to use the limited space to my advantage. Keep these tips in mind!
Pocket Organizer:
A pocket organizer is by far the best way to organize miscellaneous items in your dorm room. I have one like this on the inside of my closet door and it makes finding things so much easier.
All of my belongings have a home and I don’t have to spend 10 minutes looking for where I put things like my trash bags or scrunchies. My roommates also use a pocket organizer and really like it!
Under-bed Storage:
Under the bed storage will be your best friend in college, especially if you have a small room! I recommend raising or lofting your bed so that you have maximum storage!
I raised my bed and was able to fit the wooden dresser my school provided me with, a plastic drawer unit (like the one above), a snack bin, my hamper, and a couple of other random items under my bed.
Storage Furniture:
Under the bed storage is literally the secret to living in a tiny dorm room. One of my favorite under-bed storage items is a storage ottoman like the one above. They hold a lot of items, create extra seating if a freind comes over and can even be used as a stool to get into a raised bed.
Makeup Organizer:
I bought this makeup organizer for my sophomore year dorm room and I love it! It makes it so much easier to organize your makeup and facial products.
Because my room was so small freshman year I don’t know where I would have even put something like this. I just used a small makeup bag similar to the one above which worked fine. Just make sure to only keep your everyday makeup in there because it can get annoying if it’s overflowing with stuff.
If you have more room or have a good place to put a makeup organizer, this one is so good!
Desk Organizer:
Try to keep your desk as clutter-free as possible! Too many decorations will just get in your way and make it harder to do work at your desk.
This desktop organizer is the perfect way to organize important things on your desk and won’t take up a ton of room.
Drawer Organizers:
Drawer organizers are a great way to keep drawers organized. The organizers below will make your life so much easier because everything will have a place and you won’t be living in clutter.
Jewelry Organizer:
Jewelry gets tangled so easily so it’s a great idea to bring a jewelry organizer of some sort. This one is so cute and would look so nice in a dorm.
Ring Tray:
You don’t need a ring tray, but I really liked keeping mine on my desk or the dresser next to my bed. It’s super practical and is a cute decoration too!
Rolling Cart:
Rolling carts are great to use for extra storage! My roommate put hers next to her bed and used it like a bedside table. She storred her jewelry and other items on it. You and your roommate could also share it to store snacks and food supplies (dishware, plastic silverware, paper plates, napkins, etc.) on.
Drawer Unit/Shelves:
Any extra drawer/shelving unit is another great way to store your items. This little nightstand would be so cute next to your bed and would be the perfect place to put a lamp, your phone at night and anything else you want to put close to your bed.
Desk Pen/Pencil Holder:
Make sure to bring a holder for your pens and pencils.
Container for Snacks:
There are many different ways to organize your food in college and it usually depends on how much space you have in your room. Some college students use a rolling cart to organize their food while others use a bin or a plastic drawer unit.
Extra containers:
Cute extra containers are always helpful! I used three containers just like this and put them on the top shelf of my closet.They were the perfect place to put miscellaneous items and didn’t make my closet look unorganized or messy becuase they aren’t see-through.
Important Random Items:
Id & Cards Holder:
It’s SUPER important to have a place to keep your student ID card in college because you’ll need it for a lot of things on campus.
This is one of my favorite products because since my cards are safe on the back of my phone I don’t have to worry about always carrying something else like a wallet or wristlet (that I would probably lose) around campus. I already bring my phone with me everywhere so it’s super practical!
Cards, Envelopes & Stamps:
If you like writing, bring some cards, envelopes, and stamps so that you can send mail to your friends and family members while you’re at school. Everyone loves getting mail so it can be a really nice thing to send.
Drying Rack:
My roommate brought a drying rack to college and we used it all of the time. You will probably not want to dry some items of clothing which is why a drying rack is so helpful.
This rack is the one my roommate brought and it’s so good. It also folds up so it doesn’t take up a lot of room when it’s not being used.
If you have a journal that you enjoy writing in, bring it! You’re starting a new chapter in your life so it’s also the perfect time to start journaling.
It’s super helpful to have a quality umbrella that you can use to walk to class on rainy days. You will be so happy that you have one!
Sleep Mask:
Personally, I don’t love wearing sleep masks but my sister loves them! Also, you never know when your roommate will be up late finishing homework. A sleep mask will block out the light and make it a lot earlier to sleep.
My roommate loves using velvet hangers because they take up less space and just look really nice in your closet. I recommend bringing 30-50 hangers depending on how much you’re going to hang up versus fold in your dresser.
I hate ironing, especially in college. I think it takes too much time and I am also just not good at it, haha. Because of this, I basically never used my iron at college and it was always in my way.
If you don’t mind ironing and think you will use it, definitely bring one. Bring one like the iron above that doubles as a steamer.
If you don’t think you will use an iron, you can always use a handheld steamer or wrinkle releasing spray to get out wrinkles.
Ironing Board/Mat:
I think that part of my problem with ironing in college was that I did not have a ton of space. I had a small ironing board but it was kind of a pain to use.
My mom bought me an ironing mat like this one for sophomore year and it was a lot easier to use. It didn’t take up as much room and I could use it practically anywhere in my room.
Safety Pins:
Safety pins can always come in handy if you need to quickly repair a clothing item or something like that.
Door Stopper:
If you want to keep your door open throughout the day, bring a doorstop. It’s also handy to have on move-in day so that your door stays open while you bring everything in.
Keep your door open on move-in day and the first couple of days. It’s a great way to make your room look inviting to others and to meet new people!!
Extra Light Bulb:
Bring an extra lightbulb for your desk lamp.
Favorite Books:
You probably won’t have a ton of time to read for fun but I still recommend bringing a couple of books that you really want to read. You can always read for a little while before bed.
Craft Supplies:
If you’re crafty like me and my roommate, you’ll probably want some fun craft supplies. Think construction/cardstock paper, pens, markers, stickers, washi tape, and any other supplies you can think of!
Heating Pad:
A heating pad is so so helpful for cramps! I definitely recommend bringing one to college so that you can use it when you’re not feeling well.
Quarters for Laundry:
I know that some schools require quarters for laundry so if that’s your school, make sure to pack a lot!
Extra Tote Bags:
Extra tote bags are always helpful especially to pack up all of your stuff when you move out or even when you go home for a weekend. I love TJMaxx’s tote bags that are near the register.
Safe for Valuables:
I never really felt like I needed a safe for valuable in my dorm but if you think you would like one, they have cheap ones on amazon.
Holiday Decor:
Decorating dorm rooms for various holidays is one of my favorite parts! If you find any cute holiday decor, bring it to your dorm, it will make your room feel a lot more festive and homier.
Sport/Club Gear:
If you’re going to play a particular sport or join a club that requires gear, don’t forget to pack any that you have at home.
Alarm Clock:
If you don’t trust your phone’s alarm to wake you up, you might need an actual alarm clock. This one is actually cute too!
You might want to bring a flashlight in case the power goes out. If not, you can always use your phone.
Mini Tool Kit:
You really don’t need this but if it makes you feel better to have a few tools (hammer and maybe a screwdriver) they can’t hurt to bring.
You Finished The Post! 🙂
Omg, that was a lot! If you made it to the end of this post, The Ultimate College Packing List, you’re going to be so prepared for college!
I hope that this post on the Ultimate College Packing List gave you a better idea of what to buy and pack for college! I promise this post is literally everything I could think of when it comes to packing for college.
Related Post: 22 Super Cute Dorm Room Ideas You Will Love
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