This post is all about the best 150 college roommate questions that you need to ask your roommates.

Meeting your roommate for the first time might seem nerve racking but it’s actually such an exciting time!
It can be easier to connect and learn more about each other if you have a list of questions. I put together this list full of the best questions to ask your college roommate. I asked my roommates these questions and they helped us so much!
These questions range from basic college logistics to more juicy stuff that will really help you get to know each other. I hope that you love this post!
Related Post: Complete Guide To College Roommate Life
Send this post to your friends so that they can ask these questions to their college roommates as well. I promise this will make getting to know your roommate/s a lot easier!
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150 Genius College Roommate Questions
1. What is your major?
2. Where are your from?
3. Are you more of a morning or night person?
4. Why did you choose this college/university?
5. Do you play a sport?
6. What is your ideal career?
7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
8. Why did you pick your major?
9. How is your class schedule? Lots of early or late classes? (This is a great time to compare schedules.)
10. If Greek Life is big at your school you can ask are you rushing?
11. How many siblings do you have?
12. What are your hobbies/what do you do for fun?
13. What’s your favorite color? (make sure to remember the answer for future reference. It will help if you ever need to buy your roommate a gift.)
14. What’s your favorite candy? (remember this answer for a gift too!)
15. When is your birthday? (write this down, you don’t want to forget your roomies’ birthday.)
16. Coffee or tea girl?
17. Are you planning to join any fun clubs?
18. What are your study habits? More likely to study in our room or somewhere else like the library?
19. What time do you want our lights off?
20. Have you started college shopping yet and what colors are your decorations?
21. Do you want to share some items to save money?
Related Post: 30 College Essentials You Should Share With Your Roommates To Save Money
22. What are you favorite foods?
23. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
24. Do you plan to go home on the weekends a lot?
25. Are you okay with having guests over? (my roommates and I were okay with having friends in our room but had a time set that they should leave by, talk to your roommate about coming up with a guest curfew.
26. Are you playing any sports at our school?
27. What are your going out habits? Are you planning to drink/party? I know that this question may be a little awkward to ask but it’s important to know. Being open and honest with your roommates is always the best policy.
28. What is your favorite show and movie?
29. What’s your favorite snack?
30. Do you have any allergies or dietary restrictions?
31. What are your pet peeves?
32. Do you like to read for fun?
33. Are you crafty?
34. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
35. Is living in a clean and organized room important to you?
Related Post: What Your Dorm Room To Stay Clean? Do These 5 Easy Things Every Day!
36. When do you take showers, morning or night? (this question is more important if you’re sharing your own bathroom.)
37. Do you have any pets at home?
38. What is a fun fact about yourself?
39. Have you ever shared a room with anyone before?
40. Are you more excited or worried about dorm/roommate life?
41. What are your thoughts on alcohol and drugs? (Obviously, drugs and alcohol are not something you should participate in at college but it’s important to know where you both stand on the matter.)
42. What are your favorite stores to shop at?
43. Do you sleep with a nightlight or in complete darkness?
44. Do you fall asleep to TV or a sound machine?
45. What’s your idea of the perfect day?
46. Are you excited to decorate our dorm room?
47. Are you planning on getting a job in college?
Related Post: How To Make The Perfect Resume For College & High School Students (free resume template included!)
48. Do you have a good relationship with your family?
49. Do you think you’re going to feel home sick?
50. What is your zodiac sign?
51. Do you have tattoos/do you want one?
52. Do you prefer colder or warmer temperatures?
53. What’s the most surprising this about you?
54. What are you most excited about for your freshman year of college?
55. Do you know what dorm you want to live in?
56. What is your favorite type of music?
57. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
58. What is your favorite memory?
59. What are you most worried about related to college life?
60. Do you have a favorite podcast?
61. What is your #1 book recommendation?
62. Who is your role model?
63. What is your favorite YouTube channel?
64. What kinds of movies and shows do you like?
65. Do you have a favorite childhood memory?
66. What is your favorite feature?
67. What is your idea of the perfect first date?
68. Are you in a relationship?
69. Are you active on social media?
70. How can I be a good roommate?
71. What are you insecure about?
72. Tell me more about your friends from high school?
73. Did you enjoy high school?
74. Did you do any extracurricular activities during high school?
75. Why do you want to go to college/university?
76. What is your definition of self-care/how do you practice it?
77. Do you make your bed in the morning?
78. Do you like nature?
79. Do you like going on walks?
80. Do you plan on going to school sporting events?
81. Are you good with money?
82. What do you spend the most money on?
83. Who is most important to you in life?
84. What does a perfect weekend look like to you?
85. What does your ideal daily schedule look like?
86. How should we approach each other if there is a conflict? (Talk to your roommate about always being open and honest, being passive-aggressive or keeping things inside will get you nowhere.)
87. What do you do for fun?
88. Do you have any secret talents?
89. Do you have any unique interests?
90. Do you collect anything?
91. What is your favorite children’s book?
92. Is faith important to you?
93. How do you handle stress?
94. What was the best vacation you ever went on?
95. What do you look for in a friend?
96. What is your personal style: fashion, decor, etc:
97. Bright colors or more neutral tones?
98. If you could spend the day with anyone, who would it be?
99. Favorite Broadway play?
100. Best Disney channel show?
101. Do you have any friends that already go to our college/university?
102. Was this school your first choice?
103. Do you want bunk beds, lofted, raised, or low beds?
104. If you could have any superpower what would it be?
105. What is your favorite joke?
106. What is your favorite thing to do a snowy day?
107. Did you enjoy high school?
108. What was your most awkward date?
109. What was your most embarrassing memory?
110. Who do you admire and why?
111. What celebrity do you wish that you could spend a day with?
112. What is your favorite reading genre?
123. What is the best vacation you’ve ever been on?
124. What is your favorite dessert?
125. What is your favorite thing to do during the summer?
126. What is the best job that you’ve ever had?
127. What is the weirdest job that you’ve ever had?
128. Would you rather eat vanilla or chocolate ice cream?
129. What is your favorite ice cream topping?
130. If your life was a book what would it be titled?
131. What is your favorite pet?
132. What is your favorite song?
133. What would be the best way to spend your birthday?
134. Do you like the beach or pool better?
135. What is your favorite nail color?
136. Do you like to shop? If so, what are your favorite stores!?
137. What is your go-to Dunkin or Starbucks order?
138. What is your favorite fast food?
139. What is your favorite restaurant?
140. If you were to get a tattoo, what would you get!?
141. Do you like to doodle?
142. Are you crafty/do you like art projects?
143. Do you like sports? If so, which is your favorite!
144. What sport games at our school are you most excited to go to?
145. What is your spirit animal and why?
146. What is your best personality trait?
147. Who is your best friend and why?
148. When did you realize you wanted to go to this school and why?
149. Who was your best teacher growing up and why?
150. Is there anything else about yourself that you want to share?
I hope that you enjoyed this post about the 150 best college roommate questions!! I know living with roommates may seem scary, but it is actually a lot of fun!
Try your best to get to know each other and see where the year takes you! I managed to survive with three roommates, and I know that you can too!
Thank you for reading this post all about 150 Genius College Roommate Questions to ask your roommates. If you have any questions about roommate life or literally anything, I would be happy to answer them! Email me at
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