College and Lifestyle Blog
Hey! I keep all of my favorite free printables in a resource library open to everyone. All you need is a password which you can get by filling out the form below. See you in the library!
Whether you’re getting ready for college, decorating your dorm room, planning your graduation party or just looking for a little more organization, the resources in this library will help!
Subscribe (free!) to my weekly newsletter with updates and tips PLUS get instant access to my FREE resource library with ALL of my free files and printables!
Please check your e-mail for the password.
If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail please check your "promotion" or "spam" folders. I hate spam and promise to only send you quality content. Thank you!!
A complete list of absolutely everything girls need to pack for college. If you’re moving into college this list will make your life so much easier!
A complete list of absolutely everything guys need to pack for college. If you’re moving into college this list will make your life so much easier!
Wondering exactly what items are college essentials? This list will show you the most important things to pack for college!
Getting ready to move into your first apartment? This list has everything you will need to pack.
If you’re having a hard time deciding on the perfect college/university this guide was made for you!
Printables to help keep track of your scholarships. These printables make applying for scholarships easy!
Getting ready to live with college roommates? If so, you will love these printables!
The perfect way to stay organized throughout the week. These are my favorite scheduling printables!
20 positive wall art printables that you can print out and use wherever. Perfect to decorate your room or dorm with!
The perfect way to track your goals daily! This printable always keeps me organized and is one of my favorites!
A self-care checklist: quarantine edition. The perfect checklist to help you remember self-care daily.
The perfect to-do list for the girl on the go! AKA any girl with tons to do. You got this girl!
This chart is the perfect way to keep track of your weekly chores in a super easy way!
One of the most popular printables on my blog. A great way to keep track of all your passwords.
I created this template so other high school and college students can create a professional resume without spending all day on it.
The best winter bucket list full of fun activities for couples, teens, best friends, and families! A blank version is included as well.
Popular topics/niches for new blogs! A great list to look at before starting a blog.
How to start a blog, step by step checklist! Starting a blog can be stressful but this list makes it easy!
I know how hard it is to be a student in our world today, trying to juggle a ton of different things at once!
I wouldn’t say I’m the most organized girl out there but one thing that has always helped me stay organized, especially in high school and now in college are lists (and lots of them!)
During the school year, my whole life is literally written down in my planner.
Most of the lists and printables that I swear by are in this free resource library. There are other types of freebies here as well so make sure to check them out above.
If these printables help me stay organized, I know they will help you too. Let’s get organized together! 🙂
Hey! I keep all of my favorite free printables in a resource library open to everyone. All you need is a password which you can get by filling out the form below. See you in the library!
Whether you’re getting ready for college, decorating your dorm room, planning your graduation party or just looking for a little more organization, the resources in this library will help!
Subscribe (free!) to my weekly newsletter with updates and tips PLUS get instant access to my FREE resource library with ALL of my free files and printables!
Please check your e-mail for the password.
If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail please check your "promotion" or "spam" folders. I hate spam and promise to only send you quality content. Thank you!!
A complete list of absolutely everything girls need to pack for college. If you’re moving into college this list will make your life so much easier!
A complete list of absolutely everything guys need to pack for college. If you’re moving into college this list will make your life so much easier!
Wondering what items are college essentials? This list is a simplified version of the Ultimate College Packing List for Girls.
Getting ready to move into your first apartment? This is everything you’ll need to pack!
Getting ready to live with college roommates? If so, you will love these printables!
The perfect way to stay organized throughout the week. These are my favorite scheduling printables!
Printables to help keep track of your scholarships. These printables make applying for scholarships easy!
The perfect way to track your goals daily! This printable always keeps me organized and is one of my favorites!
20 positive wall art printables that you can print out and use wherever. Perfect to decorate your room or dorm with!
The perfect to-do list for the girl on the go! AKA any one with tons to do, you got this!
If you’re having a hard time deciding on the perfect college/university this guide was made for you!
One of the most popular printables on my blog. A great way to keep track of all your passwords.
This chart is the perfect way to keep track of your weekly chores in a super easy way!
The best winter bucket list full of fun activities for couples, teens, best friends, and families! A blank version is included as well.
Popular topics/niches for new blogs! A great list to look at before starting a blog.
How to start a blog, step by step checklist! Starting a blog can be stressful but this list makes it easy!
I know how hard it is to be a student in our world today, trying to juggle a ton of different things at once!
I wouldn’t say I’m the most organized girl out there but one thing that has always helped me stay organized, especially in high school and now in college are lists (and lots of them!)
During the school year, my whole life is literally written down in my planner.
Most of the lists and printables that I swear by are in this free resource library. There are other types of freebies here as well so make sure to check them out above.
If these printables help me stay organized, I know they will help you too. Let’s get organized together! 🙂