This post is about a quarantine self-care checklist. If you are looking for some positive ways to spend your time while you’re at home check out this post. I also included a printable version of this list at the bottom of the post. I hope you enjoy this list and try some of the activities on it. 🙂
This post contains affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products that I have tried or believe in. Please read my full disclosure here.

The coronavirus is creating so many new struggles and challenges for our world every single day. Although it is important to take care of ourselves it is also essential that we are doing everything we can to give back to those most impacted by the virus.
We need to consciously remember and pray for all of the hospital workers, family members and sick individuals who are being drastically impacted by the virus every day.
There are so many ways to help others through donations and remote volunteering. If you are interested in volunteering remotely I encourage you to try at least one thing on this list. You have the ability to put a smile on someone’s face which is priceless.
Remote Volunteering Ideas
- Reach out to local group homes and call the elderly. This is something I have been doing to give back to my community. It is a really nice and easy way to help others. A lot of older individuals living in group homes are at risk of catching the virus. Because of this, they have very little contact with other people. Calling them would be such a nice way to add some normalcy back into their lives.
- Reach out to your local food bank and see is there is any way you can help remotely. When schools close, a lot of kids miss out on meals that they would have been provided. Finding a way to help your food bank could help feed families in need.
- Thank hospital workers for risking their health every day to help sick individuals recover. You can try sending them cards or posting your gratification online. They are real heroes and should be thanked every day.
- Reach out to group homes to see if they are accepting cards. Some places are still accepting cards. It may be a nice gesture to write a resident a note just to brighten up their day. If they are not accepting cards, you can film a short video just saying hello and that you are thinking of them.
- Donate to an organization helping those in need during this time.
I hope that you try at least one thing on this list. You really do have the ability to make someone’s day.
Keep reading for the Quarantine Self Care Checklist.
I came up with a list of things we can do to care for ourselves during the quarantine. I have also included a free printable version of this list at the bottom of the post. I hope you enjoy this post! 🙂
Social distance

It is important that we social distance during this time to ensure that we are keeping ourselves and others safe.
Read a book

If you enjoy reading it can be a great way to pass time doing something you love.
Here are some of my favorite books. All of these books are super easy and fun reads!
Paint your nails

I love painting my nails for fun! It always relaxes me and something about having freshly painted nails makes me smile.
Read a poem

Reading poetry can be very relaxing. I like poetry because it always makes me think about concepts in new ways.
Read a positive quote

I love reading positive quotes because they help me to look on the bright side of things. I actually just wrote a post on my 15 favorite positive quotes.
If you are interested click here to check out my post on 15 Positivity Quotes.
Try a new recipe

I am not much of a cook but it can be fun to try new recipes. I like looking for new recipes on Pinterest.
Take a bubble bath

Taking a bubble bath is a really nice way to relax.
Listen to your favorite music

I love listening to music! Music always relaxes me and makes me feel better. Here are some of my favorite songs/albums right now if you want to give them a listen!
- Taylor Swift (all albums!)
- AJR Neotheater album and new song Bang!
- Common Sense by Joshua Bassett
- Kelsea Ballerini’s new album Kelsea
- I Love Me by Demi Lovato
- For Michigan With Love by Quinn XCII
Light a candle

Lighting a really yummy smelling candle is such a nice way to relax and clear your mind.
Watch your favorite show

I love watching new shows and can binge-watch all day long if I’m not careful! Haha
Here are some shows that I definitely recommend watching if you haven’t yet.
- New Girl (my absolute favorite show) It is on Netflix and so funny!
- The Office (my second favorite show) It is also on Netflix and super funny.
- Boy Meets World- This is one of my new favorite shows. It is on Disney plus. I love Cory and Topanga #goals!
- Friends (a classic!)
- Jane the Virgin- This show is on Netflix. It is truly one roller coaster of emotions but definitely worth it!
- That 70’s Show- This show is on Netflix and will have you laughing for days!
Read a magazine

Reading magazines can be a fun way to pass time. I love reading teen and fashion magazines!
Take a nap

I love taking naps! Such a fun and cozy thing to do.
Listen to a podcast

Podcasts can be really motivational and inspiring. I heard that Rachel Hollis’ podcast is super inspiring if you want to give hers a try.
Watch some YouTube

I love watching YouTube videos because they always make me laugh. Some of my favorite channels to watch are Ellen-tube, The Dolan Twins, Ryland Adams, Morgan Adams, and Shane Dawson.
All of these channels are hilarious and always put me in a good mood.
Journal your feelings

Keeping a journal is a great way to write down how you are feeling. I like keeping a journal because it helps me clear my head. I also love being able to read my old journal entries.
If you do not journal already I would definitely recommend trying it.
Watch your favorite movie

I love movies! Some of my favorite Netflix movies that I recommend include:
- The Proposal- I love this movie! It is the perfect balance of comedy and romance.
- The Longest Ride- This movie reminds me of the Notebook but I like it better.
- He’s Just Not That Into You (Netflix) I did not have high expectations for this movie but I really really enjoyed it! It has such a cute storyline.
- After (Netflix) Even though the movie is not as good as the book I still enjoyed it.
- Love Jacked (Netflix) This movie was so funny and a cool concept!
- Always Be My Maybe (Netflix) The couple in this movie is adorable!
Talk to an old friend

It is always nice to talk to an old friend. You can see how they are doing and what they have been up to lately.
Bake your favorite dessert

I am not much of a baker but my sister is and she made delicious lemon squares the other day! If you enjoy baking, try a new recipe or bake your favorite dessert for fun.

Meditation is a great way to clear your mind and relax. There are a lot of YouTube meditation videos and apps that you can try if you’re interested.
Go for a drive

I love going for a drive and listening to music. I did this with my sister the other day and we had a lot of fun. Especially since a lot of us have been stuck in our homes for a while, taking a drive is really nice

If you like to garden then it can be a wonderful way to spend time.
Go for a hike

Going for a hike is a great way to get out of your house and connect with nature.
Play with your pets

I love spending time with my dog, Zoe. If you have pets try spending a little extra time with them.
Draw a picture

Drawing is always a fun activity! I also love to doodle and practice calligraphy.
Listen to an Audio-book

I love listening to Audio-books. They help me read books faster and pay attention better. I use but there are a lot of other places that you can find audiobooks online as well.
Make a smoothie

I love making smoothies! Smoothies make me feel refreshed and ready to start my day. Here is my go-to smoothie recipe if you want to give it a try. Originally I found this recipe from, however, I have tweaked it a little bit.
P.S. Please don’t be grossed out by the spinach. The peanut butter masks it so you can’t even tell it’s there. I don’t eat many vegetables and putting spinach in my smoothies allows me to get the vitamins I need without having to eat a ton of veggies. The spinach is completely optional though! 🙂
Peanut Butter Banana Spinach Smoothie:
- 1 cup of milk (I use coconut milk but any kind will work)
- 2 cups of baby spinach (sometimes I do one cup of spinach, one cup of kale)
- 2 frozen bananas (I usually do one to one and a half)
- 2 tables spoons of peanut butter
- A handful of other frozen fruit (I usually add in a handful of some other fruit (mostly berries) just to change up the favor) This step is optional and depends on what mood I’m in.
You can also split the recipe in half if you would like. If you try this recipe, let me know what you think in the comments below!

Re-decorating can be a fun way to pass the time.
Drink some tea

Tea is really good for your body and always makes me feel more relaxed.
Organize your room

I did this a couple of weeks ago and let me tell you how much better I feel now. My room was a cluttered mess before but now everything has a place and it is so much easier to maintain.
I definitely recommend taking some time to organize your room. It will make you feel so much better!
Have a dance party

Having a dance party in your room or with your family can by really fun.
Take a long shower

We shouldn’t do this too often because it is bad for the environment but every once and a while it is okay. Showers are a great w1ay to de-stress.
Create a vision board

I think vision boards are so much fun! If you don’t know what a vision board is it is basically just a board or poster full of your goals and dreams.
You can put words, quotes, and pictures on your board that will inspire you to reach your goals! Here are some super cute examples of vision boards that I found on Pinterest. Follow me on Pinterest as well! 🙂

Scrap booking can also be a super fun activity. I found a lot of scrap booking inspiration on Pinterest as well. Check it out and don’t forget to give me a follow.
Sew something

If you like to sew maybe you can try making something new.

I actually love to crochet. I always make simple square/rectangular cloths for my mom out of cotton yarn and she loves them. She uses them as dish rags. If you know how to crochet and want to try making these they work really well!
This is the exact yarn that I use. It is super cheap on Amazon. You can click the picture below to buy from Amazon.

If you enjoy painting it can be a super relaxing activity.
Watch a romantic movie

Who doesn’t like a good romantic movie? My favorite romantic movies are The Proposal and The Longest Ride.
Go on Pinterest

If you couldn’t tell already I absolutely love Pinterest! It gives me so much inspiration and helps me be more creative.
Don’t forget to follow me if you haven’t yet. 🙂
Go on a walk

I like to go on walks with my family. It is a nice way to get out of the house and connect with nature.
Call/talk to your parents

Your parents will be so happy to talk with you! I love calling my parents when I am at school to check in on them and see how they are doing.
Laugh out loud

Do something that will make you laugh. Laughter really is the best medicine and will always make you feel better.
Play a game

I love playing games with my family. Some of our favorite games are Apples to Apples, Boggle, Spoons, and Clue.
Organize your closet

I organized my closet a couple of weeks ago and it is so much nicer now. All of my clothes have a spot and nothing is exploding out of any drawers. If you are thinking of organizing your closet, I definitely recommend it! You will feel so much better after.
DIY Project

DIY projects can be super fun! 2 DIY projects that I have done recently include painting my friend’s wall (before the quarantine) and painting rocks. Here are some pictures if you want to give these projects a try as well.

Shop online
I love shopping online! Here are some of my favorite products from Amazon if you’re looking for a little retail therapy.
Make a friendship bracelet
I love making friendship bracelets. If you start making them now you will be so ready for summer!
Play video games

I am not much of a video game player but if it’s something you enjoy then go for it!
Do what you love!

The most important thing is that you find time to do some things that you love. It doesn’t have to be something big. Just something that will put a smile on your face.
I hope you enjoyed this Quarantine Self Care Checklist post! If you try something on this list please let me know what you thought in the comments below.
Also, don’t forget to try one thing on the remote volunteering ideas list above. It is important to help others during this time as well.
Click here to download a printable version of the Quarantine Self Care Checklist

Want to remember this post? Save this post, Quarantine Self Care Checklist to your favorite Pinterest board.

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