This post is about the best things to be grateful for this holiday season!
2020 is almost over and although it was a difficult year, there are still plenty of wonderful things to be grateful for this holiday season!!

I decided to make a gratitude list to shed some light on the wonderful things to be grateful for this holiday season. I hope that this list makes you smile and gets you thinking about what you’re grateful for. 🙂
12 Wonderful Things to be Grateful for This Holiday Season!
While putting together this post I came across this quote. “Family- a little bit of crazy, a little bit of loud and a whole lot of love.”
I love this quote because my family is definitely crazy but at the end of the day there is a whole lot of love! Although quarantining interferes with our normal day to day lives, it has definitely given me, many of my friends, and hopefully you the opportunity to spend more time with family which is something we can all be grateful for and cherish.
Friends really are your chosen family and I feel so lucky to have such wonderful friends in my home town and at college.
Being surrounded by my friends and the people I love makes me so happy and reminds me how lucky I am every day!
It’s no secret that this year has been scary and it is a very uncertain time with the virus. I am extremely grateful that I have remained healthy this year. I am also thankful that my family and friends are healthy and safe.
It is so important to take care of yourself and this virus and year have really put into perspective the importance of health.
If you know me, you know that I LOVE water and drink a lot of water daily. Water has kind of become my security blanket in a weird way.
I am very grateful to have access to clean and drinkable water daily.
I may complain from time to time about going to class or doing my homework but at the end of the day, I am so grateful for my education and being able to attend such a wonderful school.
I love my university so much and I am so happy to be back on campus this semester studying to be a teacher.
I am extra grateful for my teachers this year because they have honestly done such a wonderful job adjusting to virtual teaching.
As I learn more about how to be an effective teacher, I become more thankful for all teachers, especially elementary and special education teachers that are trying to make virtual learning engaging and effective.
Front Line Workers:
I want to say an extra thank you to the front line workers that have worked tirelessly to keep people healthy and gain control over the virus.
I am grateful for the front line workers that risk their lives every day to keep others safe. These wonderful individuals inspire me to give back to the community in any way that I can and to be a better person overall.
Related Post: 10 Ways To Give Back To The Community During COVID-19
My Mind:
I know this is going to sound cheesy but the human mind really is amazing. Our minds are constantly allowing us to think, dream, and hope. I am thankful for my mind and all of the things it helps me do every single day.
Freedom of Speech:
I am grateful to live in a country that gives me the freedom to speak up for what I believe in.
Many injustices have taken place this year. I am grateful to see many people rise and speak up about racism, politics, minorities, etc. in a hope to see real change.
I am thankful for my voice and being able to express myself freely.
10. Taste:
I love food so it’s only right that I mention how grateful I am to be able to taste the delicious foods that I have access to.
This is especially important with the holiday season coming up! There is definitely some yummy food in my future that I am so excited and grateful for!
11. My Dog:
I love my dog Zoe so much and I will never forget the first day my family got her. She has been with me since I was 9 years old and really is such a sweet doggy. I can’t wait to see her when I go home for Christmas!
12. Nature:
Recently I have been enjoying going on walks and listening to podcasts or music. Walking is honestly a lot of fun and puts me in such a great mood!
I especially love the cliff walk right by my school. Every time I go on a walk it amazes me how beautiful nature is especially during fall. I definitely feel extra grateful for nature this year!
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