This post is all about the best positive morning quotes that you will love!
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One of the best ways to start the morning is with some positive quotes that will get you in the right mindset for the day. There is nothing better than a little extra motivation in the morning which is why I am so excited to write this post.
I searched Pinterest for some of my favorite morning quotes that I know will motivate you throughout your day and week. These quotes are good and always make me feel better. I hope that you love this post as much as I do!
13 Positive Morning Quotes
1. “Today is a great day to smile and be happy.“
I thought that this was a great quote to kick off this post with because it’s so true and positive!!
Today (and every day) is filled with so many possibilities. There is a lot of negativity in the world that should not be ignored, but there is also something positive in every day as well.
Try to smile in the morning and be grateful for all of the positive things in your life. Practice gratitude and write down what you’re thankful for every morning. I know that it will make you feel better!
2. “Be gentle with yourself. You’re doing the best you can.
Always be gentle with yourself especially in the morning. We really are our best critics which can be a really negative thing early in the morning. We should be our biggest cheerleader in life.
Try to think about the steps you need to take to get a little bit further today. Whether that is calling a loved one, sending an email, or studying for an exam. Most importantly, try your best and be proud of yourself for working so hard!
3. “I have everything I need to be happy right now.”
Society has trained us to focus on the “next thing” in our lives more than the present.
We become so focused on the next cute thing we’re going to buy or the fun event we’re going to over the weekend that we forget about everything we already have that makes us happy.
In the morning practice gratitude and living in the moment. I definitely recommend writing down 3 things that you’re grateful for every morning in your planner or notebook.
Writing things down and manifesting dreams/goals really does work!
4. “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”
This is a big one! How many times have you doubted yourself or one of your dreams? Usually, we are so scared of failing that we never go after our dreams.
The problem with this is that doubt really does kill more dreams than failure ever will. Think about your dreams and take action so that you aren’t filled with regret later. If you put in the hard work, you can do it!
{More positive quotes for you: 15 Positive Quotes You Will Love}
5. “Women who invest in themselves go further.”
This doesn’t mean that you have to invest real money into yourself. It just means that you should invest time, dedication, and confidence in your hopes and dreams.
Being confident in yourself and not caring about what others think are the best ways to go after what you want. Women who invest positive things in themselves and go after what they want will go futher!
6. “A negative mind will never give you a positive life.”
How can you expect to have a positive life if you’re thoughts are always negative. Try to practice gratitude, self-love, and remember that you can always change your mindset.
One of the best ways to change a negative mindset is to shift your perspective about things. Instead of thinking, “I have to send that email today” think “I get to send that email today” instead.
This definitely takes practice but once you realize how many opportunities you have, it’s a lot easier to be positive.
7. “Either you run the day, or the day runs you. You choose.”
I love this quote because it is so true! It is your decision how each day goes. You can choose to wake up in the morning confident with the work ethic to make your dreams a reality or you can stay in bed and let the day run you.
You have the power to take charge of your day and with a lot of hard work and dedication, you can do it!
8. “Don’t be the only one standing in your way.”
Think about a project that you’ve been wanting to accomplish or that new business you want to start. Is there anyone standing in your way other than yourself? If not, it’s time to start. I know it’s scary but with a lot of hard work, you can do it!
It is crazy how often we get in our own way because we are scared of failing or what others will think.
Trust me, I get that but once you realize that you’re the only one in your way, you will be so much closer to starting and making your goals a reality.
9. “It doesn’t get easier. You just get stronger.”
Every day you are becoming stronger and stronger! It may not get easier, but you’re gaining confidence, strength, and ambition daily.
If you’re going through a hard time, remember that the pain you feel is temporary and every day you are getting stronger.
10. “Your life isn’t yours if you always care what others think.”
One of the worst things we can do is care about what others think and compare ourselves to them. I have definitely done this in my own life and it will lead you nowhere.
Another one of my favorite quotes that I’ve written about before is, “successful people never worry about what others are doing.”
I continuously go back to both of these quotes because they just remind me of these important lessons. 2020 taught me the importance of shifting my energy on bettering myself instead of focusing on what others think which is a game-changer.
I definitely encourage you to focus on bettering yourself as well. Go after your dreams and break the mold. Be different and inspire others to do the same.
11. “It’s a slow process but quitting won’t speed it up.”
Seeing this message written in quote form really makes it sink in! I have a bad habit of starting something and then just stopping when I get overwhelmed.
I get so caught up with how long something is going to take that I forget how much longer it will take if I keep stopping along the way.
If you’re working on anything in life that you’re passionate about, keep going! It will take a lot of hard work, dedication, and time but don’t give up because then it will just take longer.
If you’re looking for more motivation and a way to be more productive, read the book atomic habits! This book is a game-changer and teaches such good lessons about forming goals and habits the best way.
I loved this book so much that I even gave it to my friend for Christmas. It’s definitely a must-read book for anyone looking for a good kick in the butt. 😉
12. “Take time to make your soul happy.”
Sometimes we get so caught up in our day-to-day lives that we forget to take time for thinks that make our soul happy. Try to do one thing everyday that makes you happy.
It can be something as simple as going on a walk, listening to music, or even your skincare routine. It’s crazy how many little things we can find that bring us joy every day.
Once you start taking more time to do things that bring you joy, you’ll feel more refreshed and happy!
13. “You only fail when you stop trying.”
We get so scared of failing that we never go after our goals and dreams. The problem is that we really only fail when we stop trying. If you work hard and keep trying I know that you will be successful!
Bonus Quote: “Be the reason someone smiles today”
Bonus quote for your day! I love this quote because it reminds up to be a good person and bring joy to others.
Every day you have the potential to be the light in someone’s darkness which is a beautiful thing.
A simple smile, phone call, or wave can go a long way. You never know what others are going through and your act of kindness has the ability to turn someone’s day completely around!
Thank you for reading this post about the best positive morning quotes. I love reading inspiring quotes in the morning and I hope that these quotes motivate you throughout the week to go after your goals and dreams. You can totally do it!
Check out the positivity corner here full of more positive quotes, self-care ideas, and wellness tips and tricks that we could all use!
{More positive quotes you will love: 21 POSITIVE QUOTES FOR MOTIVATION}
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